Gas station - IdeaPling

Gas station (39 plings)

A dad-made petrol station to us
Petrol pump
We have been lucky enough to get new petrol
Today we have had the petrol turned up
Have we finally got a gas station
Crafted and painted selfcomposed
Then we laga car space
Petrol pump
Built laundry hall and filling of diesel
Got a fuel pump from the carpenters at Modum Bad today
Our skilled craftsman Trond with helpers
And we got a "Charging Station"
The result of a very good
Result after a great day of planning
So proud of our super creative parents
Here is our variant of the fuel pump
We are building new
Hooray for caretaker
Bicycle traffic court
Completely new outdoor area
Carrying, sawing, measuring, painting and screwing = gas station
Carrying, sawing, measuring, painting and screwing = gas station
removable gas station
Bicycle on gasoline
Brand new petrol station equals happy children
Bicycle Gas station
Gas station with pumps of vacuum cleaner hoses
Gas station with shop
blue drive
To create pumps
Grandfather stock petrol pumps
The children create traffic environment
Role play
New petrol pump Esso
full service
traffic Environment
Power, diesel and petrol station
popular pumps
Petrol/diesel pump
Gas station and mud kitchen